One-on-One Consultation Form
University Technology - Online Teaching and Learning
Assistance Information
* Note: This form is for help within Western Online. If you need other Technical help please email support
Requestor's Name
First Name
Last Name
Requestor's Email
Please provide your email address
Assistance Information
* Note: You can receive immediate technical assistance by using the Virtual Assistant provided in the lower right corner of every page within Western Online.
Which of the following do you need assistance with?
Technical Assistance
Instructional Design Assistance
Describe in detail what you are needing consultation for. (Required)
List in order of priority three available dates and times that you are available to meet within the next 7 working days. If we cannot accommodate those dates/or times we will email you to set up an alternate date and time. Note our hours are 8:00am - 12:00pm and 1:00pm - 4:30pm Monday through Friday. NOTE: You will receive an email with an actual meeting invitation once your time has been set. The information provided below is just to assist us with scheduling. It does not guarantee you a meeting on that date and at that time.
Meeting Location Preference
In Person Malpass Library Room 184
Via Zoom
Should be Empty: