I will not participate in or have possession of illegal drugs, alcohol, firearms, or fireworks. I will abide by the laws of the state I am serving in. I know that illegal activity will be reported immediately to local authorities.
I will operate safely by not leaving the lodging campus without an adult 21 years or older. I will not change room assignments so my location is known in case of an emergency. I will respect the scheduled “lights out” time.
I will respect the privacy of others by not entering into areas designated for the opposite sex. I will honor people, places, and authorities by not using obscene language, acting in reckless behavior harmful to others or myself, respecting the local community by not damaging the facilities or properties.
I will respect others by not using tobacco at the work site, at the lodging facility, in the neighborhoods I serve in, and I understand that it is illegal to use tobacco on event grounds.
I will recognize and submit to the authority of the WC Students staff.
I will not engage in inappropriate sexual activity including obscene gestures, comments, or physical contact. I also know that such behavior will be reported to local authorities if warranted by law.
I know that I am a willing participant in a missions trip activity. I know that I may not have the conveniences of home. I will not bring valuables that cannot be stored with me at all times.
Out of respect for others, I will dress modestly. I will not behave in a way that causes distractions or disruptions to other participants.
In order to build relationships with my leaders and other students, I will not text message or use my cell phone, iPod, etc. on worksites, activities or during worship programs.
I will serve as a positive role model for students and others. I will participate with a positive attitude and team effort during the event.
I will show respect to the WC Students staff, local authorities, leaders, and youth participants.
I will avoid and refuse to participate in any inappropriate sexual activity including comments, gestures, or physical contact.
I/We will respect God, the local community, and our youth group by abiding to this Code of Conduct. Violation of the Code of Conduct may forfeit the privilege of participating in this missions trip and I may be asked to leave (without reimbursement and at my own expense) at the request of the WC Students staff, or my group leader.