I want to make an appointment form.

  • yaswanthkotha
    Asked on December 14, 2017 at 5:08 AM

    Hello Team,

    I have created the form. Please find the link below:


    In the time slot, i having 5 slots(i am using the option single choice element)

    In Each slot Maximum of 20 people will be taken in one slot.

    Please help me out how to do it. If everything works i will buy it.

    Thanks & Regards,

    Yaswanth k


  • tina JotForm Developer
    Replied on December 14, 2017 at 7:37 AM

    Could you please check the following form if it meets your request or not?


    1) I simply used our appointment widget to achieve the requirements that you mentioned (max 20 people will be taken in each time slot). I saw five time slots for each day (8th and 9th February 2018) So I used two separate appointment widgets for these two days. 

    1513255598Screen Shot 2017 12 14 at 3 Screenshot 10

    2) I added the single choice field to let users choose the date between 8th and 9th February 2018.

    3) I used show/hide conditional logic to show the related appointment based on the users' date choices. 

    1513255621Screen Shot 2017 12 14 at 3 Screenshot 21

    You can follow these instructions using this gif below:

    1513254906gbxf Screenshot 32

    If you think this guide isn't helpful enough, please explain your needs a bit more so we can assist you better. 

    Thank You.


  • yaswanthkotha
    Replied on December 14, 2017 at 7:50 AM

    Thank you  so muchTina..