QR Code to Edit Form

  • SKFoodBrands
    Asked on November 26, 2018 at 4:15 PM


    I have been looking for a way to add a QR Code to each from submission. 

    We are using the form for product testing and would like to have a QR Code Print that links back to each submission for editing. 

    This way the QR Code can be scanned and additional testing information can be added via iPad. 


  • Jan
    Replied on November 26, 2018 at 7:43 PM

    You can have a QR code generated in the Thank You Page or email alerts automatically based on the data entered by the user. 

    For example, you can use the code below and paste it in the source code of Thank You Page or email alert:

    <img src="https://chart.googleapis.com/chart?chs=150x150&cht=qr&chl={name} {email} {birthdate}&choe=UTF-8" alt="Your unique QR code0" width="150" height="150" />

    The value of the QR code is based on the data entered in the said fields. Please take note that there's a space on each field name. Here's a guide on how to get the field names: How-to-find-Field-IDs-Names.

    154327919611 27 poo3p Screenshot 31

    Here's the result:

    QR Code to Edit Form Image 1 Screenshot 42

    You can also insert that code in the email alert. In the email editor, click the "Source Code" icon. Here's a screenshot:

    QR Code to Edit Form Image 2 Screenshot 53

    Here's a user guide: How-to-Edit-the-Email-Template-for-Notifications-and-Autoresponders.

    Hope that helps. Thank you.