Is there an option to support user-specific passwords for PDFs?

  • Puru Agrawal
    Asked on February 20, 2020 at 7:03 AM

    Is there an option to support user-specific passwords for the encrypted PDFs? We are sending a copy of the medical waiver formed signed by the client to each client, and ideally are not using the same password for each client. Therefore, at the time the email is sent, we would need some mechanism to supply the password for the client to whom the email is being sent.

    If this is not supported, what are the recommendations to get around this issue? Is there a way to allow the client to log into a portal using their own unique password and then give them access to specific PDFs?

  • Girish JotForm Support
    Replied on February 20, 2020 at 9:34 AM

    Please note that encryption will not work on PDF documents, but you can password protect forms using the guide that you have shared in your post.

    At the moment there is only this option to set passwords on PDFs.

    There is another option to set up different autoresponders for each client, link separate PDF attachment with different passwords. But I am not sure if this will be feasible, if the client base is huge.

    Here is a related guide: 

  • Puru Agrawal
    Replied on March 10, 2020 at 7:00 AM

    Hi, thank you for your response.  Is there a way to securely store the unencrypted PDFs on server-side so that we can then use a 3rd party encryption solution to add the client-specific passwords to the docs before sending them by email?

    So basically, we don't want to "reinvent the wheel" on the PDF generation itself but we do want to take over the encryption, distribution and delivery of the PDFs to the individuals.



  • Girish JotForm Support
    Replied on March 10, 2020 at 8:30 AM

    Yes, you can integrate your form with Dropbox or Google drive and get the PDF submissions onto your external folders.

    Let us know if this would work out for you.