Zero Quantity Products appearing in Purchase Order Email Submission

    Asked on July 21, 2014 at 5:41 AM


    Please can you help me out...  

    I have a form with custom code that Ardy helped me with previously.  The email submissions are showing zero quantities in the Purchase Order section. Ardy wrote some custom code for me previously that I have included in all my forms. Could you take a look at it again and see why it wont work on my forms now?



    <script type="text/javascript">
    var CC=jQuery.noConflict(false);
    var PaymentID = 440;

    function checkQuantities(quantityID){
    if(CC('#'+quantityID).val() == 0){
    var checkboxID = 'input_'+PaymentID+'_'+getsubID(quantityID);

    function resetandCheckQuantities(){
    var CCPaymentChkBoxes = CC('#cid_'+PaymentID+' span input.form-checkbox');
    var CCPaymentQuantities = CC("[id^=input_"+PaymentID+"_quantity]");
    var quantityID = CC(CCPaymentQuantities[i]).attr('id');
    function getsubID(quantityID){
    var p = new RegExp('(input)(_)(\\d+)(_)(quantity)(_)(\\d+)(_)(0)',["i"]);
    var m = p.exec(quantityID);
    if (m != null)
    return m[7];

    Thanks for your help,
    Jotform Thread 406071 Screenshot
  • jedcadorna
    Replied on July 21, 2014 at 7:13 AM

    Hi Rachelle,

    I'll have to check and review Ardy's code then I'll get back to you once it is working. Just want to confirm that you wanted to hide the 0 value in your email notification, right?

    Thank you for your patience.

  • jedcadorna
    Replied on July 21, 2014 at 1:25 PM

    Hi Rachelle,

    The JS code embedded to your site is missing one "\". Just follow the image and add the missing back slash to your form source and the code provided by my colleague should work.

    The code you pasted above is correct the one in your webpage is the one missing a back slash.

    Zero Quantity Products appearing in Purchase Order Email Submission Image 1 Screenshot 20