¿Como agregar productos Exentos?

  • ultragrovetventas
    Fecha de consulta 10 de agosto de 2022, 10:18

    Buenos días, hay alguna manera de agregar productos exentos y que esos productos se sumen independientes y no todo como un total. Es decir, un total de para Exento, y aparte otro total para los que no son exentos.

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  • Raymond Jotform Support
    Fecha de respuesta 10 de agosto de 2022, 13:54

    Hello ultragrovetventas,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. Are you looking to create another product list so that the products included in it will be separated from your first product list? If so, then I'm afraid creating another product list element is not possible. But you can create a similar one by using basic elements such as multiple choice and assigning calculation values to them. Together with the Form Calculation widget, you'll be able, to sum up the total of the user-selected options. Let me show you how:

    • In Form Builder, click on the add element menu on the left.
    • Add the multiple choice element and click on its gear icon to open its Settings.
    • Under the Options tab, enable the calculation value and assign each option's prices.
    • Then we have to add the Form Calculation widget, from the menu on the left, under the widgets tab.
    • Open its settings and add the Multiple choice element.

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    That's it. You now have another product list that can combine values from basic elements. You can also add the single choice element or even the input table. I suggest checking out the related guide on How to Perform Form Calculation Using a Widget and How to Assign Calculation Value. Give it a try and let us know if you need any help.