How to Request a Group Approval With Jotform Approvals

December 7, 2023

If you’re using Jotform Approvals and the approval workflow involves multiple people in the decision-making processes, Jotform recommends group approvals. The group approval eliminates the need to add multiple approval elements in the workflow. You can also set conditions for which outcome of the workflow to prioritize based on the number of people involved. It’s much more convenient and saves you time setting up individual approvals.

Here’s how you can do it:

  1. In the Jotform Approval Builder, click the Settings (gear/cogwheel icon) of the Approval or Approve & Sign element to open its properties.
  2. Go to the Approvers section.
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  1. Enter the email addresses of the approvers. You’ll automatically see the Completion Rule dropdown when you have multiple approvers in the workflow.


Guest and Starter (Free) account types can only add up to 3 approvers, while Bronze, Silver, and Gold (BSG) accounts can add up to 10 approvers.

  1. Choose one from the Completion Rule. You can choose any of the following:
    • Require response from majority — When you choose this option, the workflow will proceed based on the response of the majority. For example, 3 out of 5 or 4 out of 6, that’s two-thirds (2/3) of the approvers. If there is a tie, the first response with the majority wins.
    • Require response from all — This option requires all approvers to submit their response before the workflow proceeds. In the case of a tie, the majority outcome with the first response is used.
    • Require response from one person — The workflow will proceed based on whoever submitted their response first.
    • Require certain number of responses — The workflow will proceed only when the chosen number of approvers submit their response. If the event of a tie, the first response with the majority wins.
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