The Fauquier County School Board welcomes comments from parents and residents and believes that strong community engagement and outreach are important components of a successful school system. The Board expects speakers to deliver their comments with proper civility and respect and direct their comments to the business at hand.
Citizens wishing to speak during Citizens' Time can sign up using this form no later than 12 o'clock noon the day of the meeting. Please check in at the front desk the night of the meeting to be sure your name is on the sign-up sheet.
A sign-up sheet for Citizens' Time will be provided at each meeting for those unable to sign up in advance online. Those wishing to speak must sign the sheet prior to 6:00 p.m.
Each citizen will have three (3) minutes to speak; however, the Chairman reserves the right to revise the number of minutes allocated to each speaker depending upon the number of people wishing to speak.
Citizens' Time is only available during normal sessions, and not during special or work sessions.