Portable Mini Vacuum Cleaner
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Please help me grow by sharing your ideas on how a portable mini vacuum cleaner should be design. Please choose the best choice and the idea that you think it will be suitable for a design of Portable Mini Vacuum Cleaner. Thank you so much for your precious time to do this survey form.
Fan type
DC Brushless Fan
AC Brushless Fan
Suction Fan Motor
Filter type
Cartridge type filter
Cloth Filter
Foam Filter
Scented Filter
Reusable Metal Material Filter
Type of Compact Optical Dust Sensor
Digital Dust Sensor
Optical Dust Sensor
Laser Dust Sensor
Control Method?
Chainsaw On/Off Switch
Three Stage Toggle Switch
Variable Turning Knob
Outer Case Material
Plastic Material Outer Case
Metal Material Outer Case
Aluminium Material Outer Case
Power Supply?
Battery Powered
AC Powered
DC Powered
How the Dust Sensor should be mount to the Outer Case?
On the Top
On the Side
At the Bottom
If there is any comments, recommendation or suggestion, please fill into the space provided below: (your comments and recommendation will be very much appreciated)
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