Failure to complete all sections and attach required documentation will mean an ID badge will NOT be issued and application will be declined until correct application is re-submitted and documents provided to Indigo 8 Corporate Services and Traktion F2F.
1. Legal Name - names by which I am, or have ever been known (including Alias, changes by marriage or Deed Poll If more room is required, list on separate sheet provided, sign and send sheet with this application form. Additional sheet included Y N
2. Proof of Identification
Country of Issue:
Other Type:
3. Permanent Residential Address Over Last Five Years - If more room is required, list on separate sheet, sign and send the sheet with this application form.
Additional sheet included Y N
Unit No:
Street No:
Street Name:
Previous (If applicable)
4. Citizenship/Visa
Must provide 100 points of ID
I authorise the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) to release the details of my work rights status (that is, I declare I am legally entitled to work in Australia) to Indigo 8 Corporate Services and Traktion F2F.
I understand that these details are held by DIAC on departmental files and computer systems. I further understand that Indigo 8 Corporate Services and Traktion F2F will use this information for the purposes of establishing my legal entitlement to work in Australia, and for no other purpose. I understand that if I am not entitled to be in Australia, the Commonwealth may use information obtained to locate me. I also understand that I allow release of my work rights status for a period of 3 months from the date below.
Independent Contractor Signature
The information on this form will be used for dual purpose of obtaining a National Criminal History Check and/or for Indigo 8 Corporate Service and Traktion F2F's internal records where required at law. From time to time Clients or Suppliers that you may represent while conducting your enterprise may contractually require you to undertake a criminal history check. You consent to supplying the information to us, our client/supplier coordinator and a third party service provider for this purpose.
Independent Contractor to read and sign below
IC Name) confirm I have received education relating to the relevant product/s and/or service/s and by signing this, I am agreeing that I
have understood and completed the product education provided by Traktion F2F on
and understand the applicable fees.
Verification - (office use only)
Soft Copy IC Photograph
I declare that I have sighted and confirmed the applicant's original
Immigration VEVO Check (If applicable)
or certified true copy personal identity documents and that
verification has been achieved using the 100 point check. I am
Signed IC Agreement (Page 1 & 2)
satisfied as to the correctness of the applicant's identity. Required
Signed Compliance Guidelines signoff - ICA
identification, Visa and documents attached with application.
Reference Attempted (Temp)/Reference Recorded (Cert)
Unspent Criminal Convictions?
Do you have any previous Criminal Convictions or Findings of Guilt?