Greetings! We would appreciate you taking the time to give us some feedback on what you would like to see at Gateway Floorball Club and how we can further build and coach your child better. Together, let's impact the lives of these youth! (Note: All information shared will be confidential.)
Hi! We are Gateway Floorball Club. What about you? :)
Please introduce yourself.
Your Name
Your Email
Phone Number
Your Child's Name
We want to better understand you and your child.
Do you have any concern about sending your child for Gateway floorball training/competition?
E.g. The safety of your children, Training & competition during Ramadhan period, etc. If none, just enter "none".
Can you share one thing about your child that will help us to understand and coach him/her better?
Note : The information shared will be strictly private to the coaching team of Gateway Floorball.
We hope to organize enrichment programmes for both parents and child. Let us know your thoughts!
If we were to organize educational workshops on the following topics, which do you think would be helpful for you as a parent?
Parenting & Engaging with Youth in this generation
Understanding Mental Health among Youth
Youth & Drugs
All of the above
Is there any other topic in particular you would like to propose that would be helpful for you as a parent?
If none, just enter "None".
If we were to organize educational workshops for your child, which workshop would you send them to?
Leadership Development
Career Talk
Understanding Yourself : Temperament Test
Learning to Manage Your Finances : Financial Planning
All of the above
Is there any other topic in particular you would like to propose that would be helpful for your child?
If none, just enter "none".
Let's engage!
Would you be willing to participate in our floorball event together with your child should we organize a "Family Floorball Day"?
Please Select
One of our goals as coaches at Gateway Floorball Club is to engage with our players' and their parents'. Would you be open for our coaches to occasionally pay a courtesy visit to your home?
Be our contributor!
Would you be willing to contribute financially to the development of Gateway Floorball?
Note : Gateway Floorball Club is a non-profit organization under Gateway Community Berhad. We require funds to cover cost of operation such as rental of court, maintenance and purchasing of equipment, registration fee of club, competition fee, etc.
We are looking for potential collaboration with sponsor partners in our effort to develop the club. As such, we would appreciate it very much if you could provide us with referrals of a contact whether a family member, friend or a company who you think would be able to partner with us.
Please provide - Full name of contact person, Contact Detail (Email & Contact number)
Any other special comments:
Should be Empty: