TERMS OF SERVICE: 1. The information collected in this agreement is for the purpose of service delivery and may be viewed by the Ministry of Social Development and is managed in accordance with the Privacy Act 1993. 2. The Pukete Neighbourhood House (PNH) is not responsible for the loss or damage of personal items left in the child's possession. 3. The PNH reserve the right to change schedule activities without notice. 4. In the event of an emergency staff will take action to assist your child as deemed appropriate to the circumstance, all costs incurred will be met by the parent. 5. You have reviewed our fee schedule and policy and accept the fee payment requirements. 6. Overdue amounts will be referred to a debt collection agency. Any expenses incurred by the PNH in the collection of owed monies, or of any right contained in this agreement shall be met by the customer including debt collection agency fees, court fees and/or solicitor fees. 7. The PNH reserves the right to restrict attendance and/or suspend care where accounts are outstanding. 8. Children must be signed in at the time of drop-off and signed out at the time of collection. 9. Children will not be released to any persons not named in this agreement without prior written consent. 10. Children cannot attend the programme when they are sick. 11. In the event of illness, if requested by staff the child must be collected within one hour. 12. Where your child’s behaviour is non-cooperative the parent will be contacted, where behaviour issues arise parents are to work together with the OSCAR staff to ensure a mutually positive outcome. 13. If any deliberate damage to property is made by my child I agree to pay for full repair. 14. Our Child Protection policy is available on our website www.puketehouse.org.nz. 15. I agree to my child being transport where required in accordance with the Transport Children policy. 16. I agree to advise the programme without delay of any changes to the information provided in this agreement. 17. Any change in attendance must be negotiated with the OSCAR Manager. 18. I acknowledge that I have been given the opportunity to discuss this agreement and fully understand this agreement. 19. I agree to update this agreement on an annual basis or if requested. 20. I agree to comply with all PNH policies and procedures and understand that as policies and procedures are updated it is my responsibility to read the updated versions. 21. The PNH reserves the right to update its Terms of Service at any time.