DAMAGES Wolfies Walkies accepts no liability for any breach of security or loss of or damage to the Owner's property if any other person has access to the property during the term of this agreement. Wolfies Walkies shall not be liable for any mishap of whatsoever nature which may befall a dog or caused by a dog who has unsupervised access to the outdoors.
It is understood that anyone with access to the home will be notified of Wolfies Walkies presence and vice versa. Wolfies Walkies reserves the right not refuse entry to any visitors nor pre-authorized and informed about, by the Owner. Wolfies Walkies will not be held responsible for any damages incurred to your home or pet(s) by visitors pre – authorized visitors. The Client agrees to notify Wolfies Walkies of any concerns within 24 hours of client’s return home. Wolfies Walkies cannot be held responsible for any mishaps, claims, and/or expenses attributed to a destructive or unpredictable behavior of the Client’s pet(s) that cause damage to the Client’s home/property and/or a neighbor’s home/property. (i.e., biting, furniture damage, accidental death, etc Nor can Wolfies Walkies be held liable for injury, disappearance, death, or fines of pet(s) with access to the outdoors.