Waikiki Rooming!
Name of person filling out form!
First Name
Last Name
Cell Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
Number of people in your room (including your self)
Check here if you do not have 4 roommates
I do not have 4 roommates
Are you rooming with the opposite gender? i.e. Boy and Girl rooming together.
Yes. I am rooming with someone of the opposite gender.
No. All my roommates are my gender.
Are you rooming with anyone from Branham?
No. All my roommates are signed up with the Leigh Group.
(Optional) If you are rooming with anyone from braham please type there names below and in the next section
Names of people in your room (including yourself)
Please type full name and 6 digit gradweek traveler number. Leave space blank if you do not have 4 people. If you don't have 4 people we will contact you to help you find more people or confirm the occupancy fees.
Person #1 & Gradweek Traveler Number (Yourself)
Person #2 & Traveler Number
Person #3 & Traveler Number
Person #4 & Traveler Number
I acknowledge that all information is correct and my roommates have paid in full. I understand if I do not have 4 roommates or one of my listed roommates was not paid in full I could be subject to additional rooming charges.
I understand
Should be Empty: