At Vitality Oslo we would like to provide the highest standards and service in IV therapy and vitamin Injection. We have policies and protocols in place to identify higher risk patients who may benefit from higher levels of medical care. Due to our measures some clients may not be able to receive our therapy. We thank you in advance for understanding the measures we take to allow for the best and safest experience.
This procedure is recommended for replacement of these essential nutrients, correction of deficiencies, and for other therapeutic effects, such as improving immune function, improving antioxidant status, reducing oxidative damage, improving fatigue, etc. We offer no diagnostic testing, we make no medical advice or diagnoses. This procedure may be considered medically unnecessary. It may or may not reduce, or cure the condition for which it has been prescribed; However, this therapy has been recommended to you in the belief that it is of potential benefit and its use will most likely improve your condition and your overall health.
The principal side effects that may accompany intravenous administration of nutrients include:
- Burning and stinging at the site of infusion or if IV infiltrates into surrounding tissue
- Muscular spasms, weakness, or fatigue
- Allergic reactions (rare)
- Local thrombophlebitis (very rare
- Small scaring at insertion site. (Small dot)
- Dizzines, (Usually due to low blood sugar) We recommend all clients to have eaten something small prior to treatment.
By signing below you certify that you understand and agree with the following statements.
- I certify that I am not intoxicated or under the influence of any other mind altering substances at the time of receiving my IV therapy/booster shots.
- I understand that the Vitality Oslo Nurses have the right to refuse or terminate my infusion at any point and that I must comply with the instructions whilst receiving and after the infusion.
- I understand that not all people react in the same way to medication and that whilst most feel better after therapy, there is no guarantee that I will feel the same way.
- I certify that I am at least 18 years old.
- I understand the risk of IV cannula insertion to include localised pian, bleeding, bruising, blood clots, infections (phlebitis), and local soft tissue injury and I understand to seek immediate medical attention if such complications arise.
- I understand that having IV Therapy may stimulate the immune system and detoxification pathways and this can cause symptoms such as fever, fatigue, headaches and nausea.
- I understand that Vitality Oslo needs to be able to safely store my private information and I hearby give consent to all employees at Vitality Oslo to keep an updated journal of my treatments.