Lifemark Health Group uses an online TeleHealth platform called AdraCare to allow psychologists to have continuity of care given the current pandemic and COVID19 risks. AdraCare has high standards to provide a secure and encrypted TeleHealth platform and does not record any communications between yourself and psychologist whether audio or video. The same limits and laws that were reviewed when you signed consent for treatment that include statements of intent for harm to yourself, others or abuse of children apply in TeleHealth.
Although electronic means for counselling appointments is increasingly common, there are potential risks to using an online counselling platform:
- Internet services may malfunction or there may be technological challenges. Therefore, a telephone back-up may need to be used, which results in potential misunderstandings due to a lack of visual cues.
- Though every effort is made to ensure confidentiality, the limitations and risks in teleconferencing include public discovery, possibility of hackers, household noise or interruptions and other potential risks outside of our control.
- Your psychologist will determine the appropriateness of whether to choose an audio/video session or audio only. If you choose the latter, the same AdraCare platform will still be used (versus a landline or cellphone, unless the software is not functional).
- Even with best practices using TeleHealth, any information transmitted via the internet may not be 100% secure.
Your psychologist will review the Information Sheet that you will receive from LifeMark Virtual Care (operated by AdraCare) as well as other instructions. This sheet describes details about what it means to participate in a virtual care session. You will receive an email notification that will provide you with an Access Code to enter the virtual waiting room. If during the session, the psychologist sends documents for you to complete, you will be asked to send them back through their email address, not through the virtual care platform.
Crises will be managed using emergency contact numbers, medical professionals and/or emergency services.
During your first appointment with the psychologist, please provide the following:
- Emergency Contact Name and Relationship
- Family Physician Name and Phone number
- Valid Picture ID for identification purposes
(NB. Your psychologist will also show a picture ID to verify his/her identity) - Confirmation you are in the province of Alberta at the time of the appointment