Multiple Choice Test
Rules and Regulations
Make sure that you write your name and student ID correctly. Otherwise, the system can't record your grades.
The given time for this quiz is 45 minutes. After that, the form will be closed for you.
Students who will not submit their answers in time will receive 0.
You can only submit your answers once. If you wish to pause the the quiz, please use the Save and Continue Later button.
Each question has its own grading points. After you submit your answers, we will evaluate your answers and let you know your grades later.
If you have any technical problem during the quiz, please take a screenshot or screen recording and send us.
Student Name
First Name
Last Name
Student ID
1. Question? (10 points)
2. A True/False sentence. (5 points)
3. Yes/No Question? (5 points)
3.1. Why Yes? Please briefly explain the reason.
3.1. Why No? Please briefly explain the reason.
4. Looking at the image above, question? (5 points)
Wrong Answer
Wrong Answer
Wrong Answer
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
5. Question?. Explain by drawing on an empty sheet, take a photo of it after you finish, and upload the photo of the sheet here. (10 points)
Browse Files
Drag and drop files here
Choose a file
**You can upload 2 files at max.
6. "Which of the followings" question? (10 points)
8. According to the question, draw on the image below. (5 points)
9. A question that requires listing? (6 points)
10. Please choose the correct image for each question. (12 points)
11. Please select the best image according to the question. (6 points)
12. Question? (20 points)
Option 1
Option 2
Statement 1
Statement 2
Statement 3
Statement 4
Grade without Question 12
Grade with Question 12
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