Name of Person Completing Form
First Name
Last Name
Email Address of Person Completing Form
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How many years of Agriculture classes have you completed?
Please Select
Have your dues been paid this year?
Please Select
Have you already received your FFA Greenhand Degree?
Please Select
Are you familiar with the Program of Activities for the New Smyrna Beach High School FFA Chapter?
Please Select
Are you familiar with the New Smyrna Beach High School FFA Chapter Constitution?
Please Select
Are you familiar with at least 6 parliamentary procedure abilities? If so then please list them here.
To qualify you must have led at least a 10 minute discussion related to agriculture. Enter the topic of your presentation.
List at least three FFA chapter activities you have participated in this year.
Briefly describe your SAE program. Describe how you got started, what you plan to do with your SAE in the future. How is it related to agriculture?
From your SAE records, list the past 2 years of data for the following categories in paragraph format. What year did your start you SAE? What was you Beginning Net Worth for year 1 and 2? What was your Ending Net Worth for year 1 and 2? What is your SAE Net Income for year 1 and 2? How many Hours did you work on your SAE either paid or unpaid for year 1 and 2 and list whether they were paid or unpaid.
List at least 5 agricultural skills that you have gained through your SAE program in paragraph format.
I have met all of these requirements and I truthfully swear this information is True to the best of my knowledge. I hereby submit this application for the Greenhand FFA Degree.
Please Select
Members Signature
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