bloxburg variety show talk show sign up
with this form we will see your answers and see if we are capable to give you your own talk show! these talk shows will be between 30 mins - 1 hour! you need to contact us on our tik tok (@bloxburg_variety_shows) or our instagram (@bloxburg_variety_shows) if your a guest at one of our shows you will receive 2000 bucks!( pls answer all of these questions or you will not be in our show!)
are you ok with personal-ish questions?
what is your roblox username?
what is the chance of you going afk during the show? (0 being definitely not and 10 being definitely)
what age are you?
why do you think that you should be one of the people on our chat show?
what country/state do you live in?
please put in your instagram so we can contact you
what are you well known for?
Should be Empty: