Welcome to Hearth Star Festivals Kids Website
Please complete this form in its entirety, including the Parent's section if you are under eighteen years of age, in order to submit artistic product or apply to be a Ambassador or have your name listed on Fans Page. The Kids website can be found at HearthStar.org
First Name
Last Name
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
Please check the items that match the way you want to participate in the Hearth Star Festival
I want my name on the list of Kids Hearth Star Festival fans
I want to be an Ambassador for Kids Hearth Star Festivals, and share information about the festival with others as a way to share music, art, and good feelings
I want to submit a picture, poem, story, or other picture or printed item to be considered for publishing on the Kids Hearth Star Festivals website
I want to submit a video or audio of me performing to be considered for publishing on the Kids Hearth Star Festivals website
If the file you want to submit is less than 10.6 MB, please drag and drop or browse to upload in the box below.
Browse Files
Please tell us your name, age, the type of art you create, and the story of how you came to be an artist.
If you are 18 to 21, please share a copy of your driver's license or other government identification so we know you can legally authorize the sharing of your personal information on the Kids website.
Parent Authorization
Parents of children under 18 must complete this section for submissions to be considered for publication on the Hearth Star Festival website.
Name of Parent or Legal Guardian
First Name
Last Name
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
Please share a copy of your drivers license or other legal identification as the parent or guardian of the minor applicant who is submitting art product for possible publishing on the Hearth Star Festivals Kids website.
If you, the parent or guardian, have the legal right to authorize the posting of artistic work along with attribution of name, age, and state of residence, then please indicate which things you are giving us permission to publish, should your child's submission be chosen.
I give permission to post my child's artwork, music, poem, story, or picture of artistic creation, such as a sculpture, woodworking project, baked item on the Hearth Star Festival Kids page
I give permission to post photos, videos, audio recordings, and other representations of my child's artistic product on the Hearth Star Festival Kids Page
I give permission to post my child's name and state of residence on the Fans page and in connection to the artistic work that may be published on the Hearth Star Festival Kids website
Date of submission
Should be Empty: