IPL Aftercare Instructions
Immediately after the Intense Pulsed Light treatment, there may be redness and bumps at the treatment site, which will last up to two (2) hours up to a few days. It is normal for the treated area to feel like a sunburn for a few hours. You may use a cold compress, aloe vera gel, or 1% hydrocortisone if needed. If treating the face, please continue using sun protectant with SPF 30+ daily for the entire treatment period.
Do not pick, as scabbing could lead to scarring.
Makeup may be used after the treatment if there is no extended redness, blistering, or scabbing. Make sure that you have moisturizer on under your makeup; use it frequently on the treated area.
Avoid sun exposure for four (4) to six (6) weeks after the treatment to reduce the chance of dark and light spots. Use sun protectant SPF 30 or greater with zinc oxide and titanium dioxide at all times throughout the course of treatment. Even waterproof sun block is good for only 80 minutes, so reapply hourly.
Do not use any other forms of hair removal methods (tweezing, waxing, depilatories) or products on the treated area during the course of the laser treatment, as it will prevent you from achieving your best results. You may shave the area if needed.
For hair removal…anywhere from five (5) to fourteen (14) days after the treatment, shedding of the hair may occur and this may appear as new hair growth. This is not new hair growth, but dead hair pushing its way out of the follicle. You can help the hairs exfoliate by taking a hot shower and rubbing with a washcloth or loofah sponge.
Until initial skin irritation subsides, avoid hot water and anything irritating to the skin. Advil or Motrin can be helpful.
Avoid any irritants to your face, such as any products containing Retin-A (tretinoin), retinol, benzoyl peroxide, glycolic / salicylic acids, astringents or chemical peels for at least two(2) days.
Do not wear tight, constricting clothing in the treated area as irritation can occur and skin cannot cool properly.
Do not exercise, receive any body treatments, take hot showers, or use saunas or hot tubs until skin is back to normal (2-3 days).