Sacramental Preparations for Anchor students follow the "Restored Order" according to the Archdiocese of Denver. Please plan accordingly for your child to recieve these Sacraments.
Reconcilliation in 2nd Grade
Confirmation and First Eucharist 3rd Grade
In addition to regular Wednesday Anchor attendence, there will be 3 required addtitional Sacramental Prep meetings throughout the school year. At least one parent and the child preparing to recieve the Sacraments must attend these meetings. There will be some at home practice and assignments to complete in order to prepare for the Sacraments. Also, we will have a retreat day for the children before the Sacraments are recieved. More information to come!
*If your child is older than the recomended grades for these Sacraments, but has not yet recieved their Sacraments, they can be enrolled in Sacramental prep for this year. They will start with Reconcilliation for the first year, and then, Confirmation and Eucharist the following year.