Read the product label and safety sheets for the cleaning product(s) before using and make sure you follow all instructions, including all required personal protective equipment.
Wear gloves when cleaning and wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water, or use alcohol-based hand sanitizer if you cannot wash your hands, both before and after wearing gloves.
If possible, use disposable gloves when cleaning and discard after each use. Otherwise, only use reusable gloves for routine cleaning and do not share gloves between workers.
Clean frequently touched surfaces such as tabletops, door handle, light switches, desks, toilets and toilet doors, taps, TV remotes, kitchen surfaces, and cupboard handles using a detergent, or 2-in-1 detergent and disinfectant solution.
After cleaning, dispose of any disposable cloths in a rubbish bag, or launder reusable cloths in the usual way.