NOW THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which the parties acknowledge, the parties agree as follows:
1.Supervision and Training. Volunteer agrees that, while participating in the Volunteer Activities, Volunteer will be subject to the supervision and will follow the instructions of the Women's Center, its employees, officers, and agents. Volunteer agrees to receive any and all training required by the Women's Center prior to participating in the Volunteer Activities.
2.Participation Is in the Women's Center Sole Discretion. Volunteer acknowledges that Volunteer’s participation in the Volunteer Activities is a privilege, not a right, and that Women's Center, its employees, officers, or agents, may, in their sole discretion, decline to allow Volunteer to participate in any of the Volunteer Activities for any reason.
3.No Employment or Compensation. Volunteer acknowledges and agrees that this Release does not constitute an employment contract and does not entitle Volunteer to later employment with the Women's Center. Volunteer acknowledges that his/her services rendered in connection with the Volunteer Activities are being donated and that Volunteer is not and will not be entitled to, and Volunteer does not expect, any present or future salary, wages, reimbursement, compensation, or employee benefits as a result of providing such services.
4.Confidentiality. I agree to protect the confidentiality of Women's Center clients, volunteers and employees. Information given to me by a client, volunteer or staff member will not be given to any agency or person without the expressed written consent of the person or guardian of the person to which the information pertains. Where it is deemed necessary to give an agency, client or other person the name of any Women's Center volunteer, I agree to use the first name only. The release of phone numbers or pager numbers should be cleared by the owner of such numbers or the Center Director. General policy is to take a name and phone number and give the message to the intended recipient. I also agree to respect the confidentiality of any agency and its clients I may be working with and agree to follow their established policy and procedures.
5.Grant of Right to Use Image, Audio, and Video. Volunteer acknowledges that one or more of Women's Center, its employees, officers, and agents, may cause still photographs, audio recordings, and/or audio-video recordings (collectively, the “Recordings”) to be made of Volunteer’s participation in the Volunteer Activities. Volunteer grants to Women's center and their assigns, licensees, and successors the right to use the Recordings, including without limitation any Recordings containing Volunteer’s voice, image, picture, portrait or likeness, throughout the world and in perpetuity, but only for purposes of promoting Women's Center nonprofit and/or charitable activities. The grant contained in the immediately preceding sentence applies to all forms and media, including composite or modified representations, and Volunteer waives the right to inspect or approve any version of Volunteer’s voice, image, picture, portrait or likeness prior to publication.