Mix and match ANY to get the Buy 3 Get 1 FREE!!
- Choose the nail strip styles you would like to purchase below!
- Once you click SUBMIT at the bottom, you will receive an invoice to pay via Paypal (friends and family), Square or Venmo.
- I can send the invoice via Facebook Messenger or text.
- All Glitters, Designs, and Solids are Buy 3 Get 1 Free (Mix & Match); so make sure you are picking at least four to get that deal!
- French are Buy 1 Get 1 Free; so make sure you are picking at least 2 to get that deal!
- Shipping is $1.00 for 1-2 sets and $3.00 for 3 or more sets (unless you choose porch pick up).
- Don't find what you are looking for here? You can shop my Color Street website at www.ShopJuliesManis.com.