COSTS ADVANCED BY ATTORNEY ARE EXPENSES TO PROSECUTE THE CLAIM AND ARE TO BE DEDUCTED FROM THE RECOVERY AFTER ATTORNEYS’ FEE. Costs will include a minimum charge of ThreeHundred Fifty Dollars ($50.00) as reimbursement for general office expenses such as photocopies (in excess of 100 pages), long distance, facsimile, postage, courier/messenger fees, investigation expenses, medical/nurse consultant fees, photography and video fees, evidence storagefees, filing fees, service of process fees, bond fees, witness fees, expert fees, records fees, legal research, court reporter fees, courtroom presentation and technician fees, travel expenses, arbitration fees, mediation fees and jury fees. Client acknowledges and agrees that Attorney may borrow funds from a lender to finance or to pay costs and expenses such as those referredto above, and that in addition to costs and expenses, Client agrees that interest charges and related expenses Attorney incurs in connection with such borrowing will also be deducted after the calculation of Attorney’s fee.