Make Up Assignment Form
Student Name
First Name
Last Name
Class Period
Assignment Title
Date of the assignment is given
Due date of the assignment
Why is the assignment incomplete?
I was not at the school when the assignment is given.
I did not have the materials at home to complete the assignment.
I chose not to complete the assignment.
Excuse of absence:
Make up procedures:
Make up works will only be acceptable until the date for each department's summative assesment.
For absentee; students have one day to complete the make up work for each day of school missed. Make up work is in addition to a student's daily homework.
A parent/guardian signature is a must for make up assignment to be accepted.
If a student misses a class for any reason and he/she is in school, homework should be turned in before the student leaves.
This form must be filled out for any assingments before turning them in.
Make up assignment request may be declined, if a student has excessive unexcused incomplete assignments.
Student Signature
Parent/Guardian Signature
Is there any other information the instructor should know regarding this make up request?
Should be Empty: