Date Dear Parent/Guardian First Name Parent/Guardian Last Name ,We regret to inform you that your child Student's First Name Student's Last Name had a minor accident. The head of the child was bumped specifically the exact part of head area. This accident happened on Date of accident at Time of accidentAMPM in the Location/Area .Below is the detailed explanation of what exactly happened:1 According to the school physician, these are the symptoms the student is having:Headache Bruising Loss of consciousness Cut/Abrasion Loss of memory Dizziness Confused and disoriented Nausea VomitingWeakness No symptoms The medical treatment or first aid we applied are the following:2Here are the recommendations of the physician: 3 4 5 If the child/student is experiencing any symptoms below, please go to the emergency room or call 911:Increased headache intensity Vomiting Seizures Dyspnea or Difficulty of breathing Mild stroke symptoms If you have any questions, please call the school physician using the contact details below.Physician's Signature Physician's First Name Physician's Last Name Date Signed