Animal Care Contract
In order to teach students an appreciation for and an understanding of caring for animals, they will have the opportunity to interact and take part in the care and guardianship of the Agriscience animals. All of the students enrolled in the class will have the opportunity to earn the chance to care for the animals at school as well as caring for the animals at their home. The students will be expected to abide by the following terms:
- Students interested in participating in caring for the animals must maintain a passing grade in their Veterinary Assisting class as well as all of their classes.
- Conduct is a very important part of responsibility, so all students who want to participate in animal care must have good conduct (in all of their classes).
- The animals will be able to spend weekends, holidays and recesses with the students as long as the students maintain the required GPA and have their parents’ permission to take the animal’s home with them.
- Parents must pre-approve the animals that will be going home and students must agree to feed them, clean their habitat and care for them.
- Students interacting with the animals will be placed on a rotation to clean out the animal habitats, feed the animals and care for the animals weekly.
- Please understand that the more the animals are played with, the more accustomed to human interaction they become and the friendlier they will be.
- Student safety is very important, so please understand that these animals will defend themselves if they feel threatened.
- If a student is unable or does not want to care for an animal, there will be opportunities to manage the care of the animals and the students that are taking part in the care.
- As a member of the National FFA Organization you may have the opportunity to have animal(s) on campus for the purpose of completing your SAE and/or competing at various state and local fairs.
- If permitted to have an animal on campus you must be responsible for the daily care, feeding, stall/feed rent, handling and training. This includes weekends and holidays.
- Failure to comply will result in the immediate removal of the animal from campus at the discretion of the teacher.
- In the event of a family emergency or scheduled vacation, it is your responsibility to provide appropriate coverage and inform the teacher immediately.
The animals in Veterinary Assisting are provided to teach the students and will belong to the classes that they are assigned to. Any student, who does not return this letter signed by a parent or guardian, will not be allowed to interact with the animals.
By signing below I agree to all the rules established in this agreement and understand that they may be altered by Mrs. Abramoff.