The school provides students with the ease of access to communication through internet services and other technologies. This technology also allows students to have better access to learning resources that help them intellectually and socially. However, as observed by many, interaction and use of this technology is subject to the code of conduct and ethics of each and every individual where one may use the technology as the way he or she pleases, one has to be mindful of the care and respect to others, including their properties.
This guideline intends to ensure that students will maintain proper etiquette and remain within the bounds of proper, legal, and safe use of the technology provided by the school. This guideline shall govern each and every member of the school community for the proper and responsible use of the technology. This will serve as the school's policy using technology to govern the conduct of employees and students such as, but not limited to, communication technologies such as computers, internet, and other devices whether owned by the school or during the use of such technology within the bounds and reach of the school and its premises.