Weekly Sales Report
NOTE: please submit this form by end of day on Sunday.
Listing Agent
First Name
Last Name
How many J&R Homes listings do you currently have on the market?
Tell us about your listings: use the space below to provide us an itemized list of your current listings and their location (subdivision/municipality) - please include a brief description including: days on market, number of inquiries, and interest level.
NOTE: If you are listing in multiple locations make sure to separate them geographically.
Suggested changes: use the space below to provide feedback on listing marketability and any changes you would recommend based on client feedback.
Pending/Incoming offers: use the space below to inform us on incoming or pending offers, make sure to include buyers who are currently applying for CTP through CMG Financial.
Land opportunities: if you have identified land opportunities near one of your current listings please provide us with a brief description below for further evaluation.
Should be Empty: