Please fill out the following form if you'd like to join My Online Wellness Studio & I’ll set up your cart:
FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER you will also get BOTH nutrition courses: 2B mindset and The Ultimate Portion Fix (worth almost $200) for FREE with your pack! If you have any questions feel free to email me at
First Name
Last Name
1. Which option do you want to go with if you do not already have Beachbody On Demand (BOD)?
Shakeology Pack (option A)
Performance Line Pack (option B)
Shakeology + Performance Line Pack (same as A but also has the perf line. shakeology is free + the performance is 50% off: $220 us)
9 week control freak Shakeology Pack (option C)
9 week control freak Shakeology Pack (option D)
3. Do you have Beachbody on Demand? If yes, what email do you use for that membership? If NO, what email address would you like for me to send your cart to?
2. Do you live in the US, CA, FR or UK?
3. Would you like the all natural, plant based pre-workout with no artificial flavorings, colors or additives? If so, what flavor? *This is included in the Performance Line Packs*
Fruit Punch
Mixed Berry *New Flavor*
Would you like the post workout Recover formula for soreness also with not artificial flavorings, colors or additives? If so, what flavor? *This is included in the Performance Packs*
Chocolate Whey Based (Dairy)
Chocolate Plant Based (No Dairy/No Soy)
Orange Creamsicle Whey Based (Only an option for US residents)
Do you want to enroll as a coach for free (VIP) and save 25% all your products, have first access to all new fitness programs, and be included in the test group? (you can cancel at any time and its FREE)
Not at this time
Do you want to try Beachbody's new collagen boost or add on Power Greens? *You will also save an additional 25% off these two items if you enroll as a coach for free today.
Collagen Boost
Power Greens
What flavor of Shakeology do you want? I highly recommend starting with one flavor in the full 30 serving bag. From there you can decide in the future if you want to change flavors or do a combo convenience pack. *My favorites are the vanilla + chocolate plant based*
Chocolate Whey Based
Chocolate Plant Based
Vanilla Whey Based
Vanilla Plant Based
Strawberry Whey (not available in the UK)
Strawberry Plant Based (not available in the UK)
Cafe Latte Whey Based (not available in the UK)
Cafe Latte Plant Based (not available in the UK)
Should be Empty: