Behavioral Management Techniques
DES Reference: R6-5-7456
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This policy and procedure is to provide guidelines and instructions for encouraging and supporting self control and establishing consequences for the client who violates the rules and regulations.
ABC Skills is a "HANDS OFF" agency with the exception of the following: Client causing bodily harm to self or others; destruction of property. ABC Skills staff is to attempt to verbally de-escalate all negative behaviors keeping the safety of the client and others in mind at all times. Clients are not permitted to punish another client.
OUTBURSTS/AGGRESSIVE BEHAVIOR A. Evaluate the extent of the behavior and attempt to initiate a calm conversation. B. When a client is verbally aggressive and the behavior is escalating, remove all other clients from the area if possible. C. Allow the client to express his/her feelings, while maintaining control of the situation. D. Avoid confronting stances or aggressive body movements. E. In the event a situation becomes out of control; phone supervisor for assistance. PHYSICAL ALTERCATIONS A. Separate youths involved and call for assistance if necessary. B. Physical altercations with the use of a weapon must be reported to management and the police. Agency will press charges if there is bodily harm on one client by another. C. An out of control youth may be restrained utilizing crisis intervention techniques. D. CPI Restraints as needed. BEHAVIORAL MAINTENANCE A. All clients are rewarded or disciplined through a level system. B. Privilege's or consequences are associated with each level. ---EXAMPLE: Critical is a consequence which may be given for negative behaviors.--- 1. Fighting- 1 week critical or more if circumstance is severe. 2. Verbal abuse- 2 to 3 days. 3. Smoking- 3 days with a referral to a non smoking class. 4. Illegal substance- 2 weeks Restrictions consist of early bedtime, no phone privileges' (EXCEPTION Case worker or PO) No TV or stereo and loss of pass privileges. C. Positive levels carry privileges (such as) age appropriate passes, special outings, extended bedtime. POSITIVE REINFORCEMENTS A. Positive Behavior is rewarded at all times. 1. School grades- $4.00 for A's and $3.00 for B's 2. House Captain- $10.00 added to allowance each month. 3. Compliant Behavior- Movie passes or video game tokens. B. Staff is instructed to compliment a clients accomplishments. Negative behavior is always addressed; therefore the policy of "CATCH HIM DOING SOMETHING GOOD" is encouraged by staff. C. Addition by subtraction: Attempt to help clients rid themselves of negative behaviors by acquiring positive behaviors.
As noted, ABC Skills exhibits a "HANDS OFF" policy, reserving "physical restraints" as a means to deter physical harm or damages only. All physical restraints must be document in restraints log and review by administrative staff to evaluate if restraining was properly applied and warranted.
Refer to Staff- Client Relationship R6-57430 welcome to ABC skills Packet
List 3 procedures for Outbursts and aggressive behavior:
What are the consequences for fighting and illegal substance:
What does addition by subtraction mean?
Should be Empty: