FB Ads Contractor Application
Complete this application thoroughly, accurately and completely so we can best determine if we are a good fit.
First Name
Last Name
Which best describes you?
I am a digital agency who does White-Labeling
I am a FB Ads Freelancer
Which are you?
Ecommerce Wizard
Lead Gen Ninja
I do great at both
How long have you been doing FB Ads?
Just Getting Started
Less than 1 year
1-2 years
2-3 years
3 years+
Do you have current or former FB Ad accounts that you can give us analyst access to that proves your Facebook ads abilities? *Screenshots are worthless.*
Do you specialize in a specific niche? If so, what niche?
How many accounts can you take on right now?
Is Facebook ads your full-time gig? If not, what else do you do?
Have you taken any online courses for Facebook Ads? If so, which course(s)?
Briefly detail a great case study or awesome result you have achieved with Facebook Ads for a client.
What is a CPM?
If my CPC is rising, what are some ways to bring it down?
For E-commerce: What's (generally) the minimum AOV that you should have in order to be successful on Facebook Ads?
What is social proof on Facebook Ads and how do you get more of it?
What are some good retargeting audiences to start with?
Briefly explain how and where to install a Facebook pixel.
What is an LLA and should you use 1%, 5%, or 10%?
Best Email Address?
Should be Empty: