1. Staff should follow all special diet orders. True or False?
2. Assisting with personal hygiene, when needed, is a very important part ofkeeping people healthy. True or False?
3. Staff should not be concerned about changes in a person’s sleep pattern
because everyone has trouble sleeping at times. True or False?
4. Staff should always call the nurse before calling 911. True or False?
5. Individuals must have a formal exercise program if it’s
going to be considered real exercise. True or False?
6. It is important to lock up both medications and cleaning supplies. True or False?
7. It is not important to notify the Nurse of changes in health status. True or False?
8. Eye glasses need to be cleaned at least once a day. True or False?
9. Objective signs of illness are what you can see, feel, hear or smell. True or False?
10. A headache is an example of an objective sign of illness. True or False?
11. An individual reports that it hurts when he urinates and his urine
has a foul odor. You should notify your nurse. True or False?
12. If someone gags during a meal, you don’t have to document anything
as long as they’re okay afterwards. True or False?
13. 911 should only be called if your manager instructs you to call. True or False?
14. In the event of a severe behavioral emergency, I would call 911. True or False?
15. Staff cannot provide first aid unless they are med certified. True or False?
16. When I call 911, I should give the person’s medical book to the ambulance personnel so the ER doctors can look at it when he/she arrives at the hospital. True or False?
17. Staff should know where to find all important phone numbers such as for the On-Call Nurse and the Pharmacy. True or False?
18. Staff need to know all about the medical appointment so that they can assist the individual and the physician. True or False?
19. Staff can read the nursing log/electronic communication whenever time allows during your shift. True or False?
20. Staff must be an advocate for anyone taken to a medical appointment. True or False?
21. Staff must document all communication with the nurse, including why staff called and what and the nurse’s instructions were. True or False?
22. When possible, staff should schedule follow up appointment at the time of the current medical appointment. True or False?
23. The only person staff have to call after a medical appointment is the manager of the program. True or False?
24. Failure to seek medical attention for illness or injuries is a form of neglect. True or False?
25. First Aid kits must be kept in a locked area at all times. True or False?
26. Only med cert staff can use an Epipen. True or False?
27. Any time an individual injures their head, staff must call the nurse. True or False?
28. I don’t need to worry about infection control. I had my Hepatitis shots. True or False?
29. The MOST IMPORTANT thing to do to prevent getting sick, or spreading illness, is to wash your hands, properly, in warm soapy water. True or False?
30. Universal Precautions means that staff only need to be concerned about wearing gloves when they know that at individual has an infection. True or False?
31. If staff use do abdominal thrusts (Heimlich maneuver) for choking, they must take the individual to the ER. True or False?
32. It is OK to leave an individual alone in the van, if it is only for a few minutes and the outside temperature isn’t too hot or too cold. True or False?
33. If someone has a seizure for the first time you should call 911. True or False?
34. If a person has a tonic-clonic/generalized seizure, you should keep him/her safe by putting a spoon or tongue depressor in his/her mouth. True or False?
35. It is unimportant to document a seizure if it lasts for less than one minute. True or False?