Here are some improtant things you need to do before completing this form:
1) You will need to have read "A World Split Apart" ( found here) and create a diagram of it along with a short sample of your annotations from it.
2) Take a portrait picture of yourself and have it on hand in JPEG format for this form.
3) Compile a list of books you have read during the past year and have it ready in a DOC, DOCX, or PDF, (or copy and paste)
4) Have read the book "The Bridge at Andau" (by James Michener) and write an essay (not over 1000 words) about today's world, and what you would consider a modern-day "Bridge at Andau." Have it on hand for this form in DOC, DOCX, or PDF (or Copy and Paste). If you don't have this book, you can buy it here.
5) The emails of the people you are asking for letters of reccomendation. (Ecclesiastical Leader, Friend or Sibbling, and a Teacher or Mentor.)
5) Be ready to answer thought-provoking and deep-digging questions about yourself.
**IMPORTANT: This form is estimated to take atleast one hour. In order to complete the form as quickly as possible, you WILL need ALL of the above items.**
If all that is ready, then why don't we begin?
Click "Next" below.