Description of the interventions
Cleaning/lubrication Verification/report
Headlights Bodywork/paint Opening roof sliding guides
Verification/report Verification/report Verification/report Verification/report Verification/report Verification/report Verification/report Verification/report Verification/report Verification/report Verification/report Verification/report Verification/report Verification/report Verification/report Verification/report
Underbody pipes and hoses Engine oil leaks Hydraulic clutch system
Manual transmission oil leaks Gearbox oil leaks with double clutch Automatic transmission oil leaks
Steering joints Steering group/box Steering column couplings Suspension joints/seals/sheaths Drive shaft couplings Couplings/gaskets/driveshaft sheaths
Road springs Shock absorbers and supports Conditions/sealing under the body
Verification/report Check/Top up Verification/report Verification/adjustment
Tyre conditions Tyre pressure Tyre pressure control system
Check/Top up Check/Top up Verification/report Verification/report Check/Top up Check/Top up
Engine oil Battery electrolyte level Conditions of battery Pipes and hoses in the engine compartment
Windscreen washer containers Brake Fluid reservoir