The following questions pertain to the 2020 tax year. For any question answered Yes, include supporting detail or documents.
Personal Information:
If Yes, provide the following:Name of Designated Beneficiary 1 Social Security Number 2 Account Number 3 2020 Amount Contributed 4
Deductions and Credits:
If Yes, provide the number of gallons of gasoline or special fuels used for off highway business purposes. Gallons Type
Retirement or Severance:
Personal Residence:
If Yes, provide the principal balance and interest rate at the beginning of the year Principal Balance Interest Rate and end of the year blank 5
If Yes, provide the principal balance and interest rate at the beginning of the year Principal Balance Interest Rate and end of the year blank 6
Sale of Your Home:
Foreign Matters:
If Yes, enter the amount of any economic impact payment received 7
If Yes, enter the amount of any economic impact payment received 8
Direct Deposit and Electronic Funds Withdrawal Account Information: