Coaching may be thought of like consulting, therapy, mentoring or counseling. Coaching is none of those, and yet all of those in some ways. A Coach doesn't tell you what to do, dissect your past to explain your present, or even focus much on your problems. A Coach is a results-oriented, forward-focused "thinking partner" looking toward solutions, not problems--the future, not the present. A Coach doesn't have all the answers, but believes you do! A Coach knows you have everything you need within you to make decisions that align well with your needs, goals and desires, so they just help you tap into those inner reserves that you may have lost touch with through the years of struggle in your marriage, or life in general.
A Certified Divorce Coach understands the complexities of the legal, financial, real estate, custody and social/emotional life transitions of divorce, and helps inform the decisions you make in your divorce, collaborating with a network of professionals who all work with people just like you—all with the goal of shifting your perspectives and offering critical information for sound decision-making during this most important time. Working alongside you, a Coach helps to identify the needs, goals and desires that will allow the development of a plan to best achieve those. However, it will always be your agency, responsibility, and commitment to identifying and doing what it takes to move obstacles that may prevent that movement which will, in large part, determine the success of the Coaching relationship.
If you have a crisis situation develop after hours, private Coaching clients may email or text their Coach, but are asked to also call the suicide prevention hotline at (800) 273-8255, go to a local emergency room or call a family member or friend as the Coach may not be immediately available.