Mindset Management & Mastery Feedback Form
Thank you for taking part in the Mindset Management & Mastery Programme! We're always looking for feedback so that we can improve.
Your Name
First Name
Last Name
Business Title (This will appear after your name when we use your feedback)
What was your situation like before working with me in the Mindset Management & Mastery Group Programme?
What reservations did you have about working with me and/or joining the group programme (if any) and what made you decide to go ahead and do it anyway?
What has the process of working with me and being on the group programme been like for you? How has it helped your life and/or business on a day to day basis?
What was the one best business result you have had so far from the programme? For example a financial result in increased income or the promise of increased income as you have a clear plan, your best month ever, someone buying from you at a higher price than before, you sold out on a course quicker than ever before etc.
What is the one best personal result you have had so far from the programme? For example increased confidence, more time with family, feel more valued, connected with your big why etc.
One last thing...
If you are happy for us to use your feedback (including your first name and business title) and a picture on our publicity material, please tick in the box below. If you have a preferred photo that you would like us to use please email that to jo@holdmyhandcoaching.com Please select the appropriate box below.
Please tick one option below
Yes, I'm happy for you to use my feedback and photo on your publicity material
Yes, I'm happy for you to use my feedback and I will send you a photo
Yes, I'm happy for you to use my feedback but without a photo
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