I am so excited to get to know you and help you achieve your personal goals! My #1 goal is to ensure that you receive the level of support that you desire. Please know that throughout the process of us getting to know each other, I will always meet you half way but I can’t show up for you. I expect and respect you to come to me in the event that you have a question or need help. I am here to serve you and teach you how to be self sufficient! That is the best gift I will ever be able to give you. In our team, your sponsor is simply just a friend that is there to celebrate you and give you business advice when needed. You will be introduced to our systems, tools and resources which will simplify the way you work your business and the time needed to do so. Please fill out this brief questionnaire so I can get to know you a little better! WELCOME TO THE E3! I can’t wait for you to settle in and meet the team!
Full Name
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Tell me a little bit about yourself:
What are your top 3 favorite stores to shop? (Restaurants and coffee shops included.)
Have you ever been in a social selling company before?
Based on your level of dedication in Pomifera, what is your desired monthly income?
$0 - $500
$500 - $1,000
$1,000 - $5,000
$5,000 - $10,000
Above $10,000
Approximately how many hours a week do you desire to dedicate to your Pomifera business?
Less than 5
5-10 hours
10-20 hours
Above 20
Why did you partner and what are you looking to get out of it?
When being celebrated, which option below would mean the most to you?
Being told I'm doing a great job
Receiving a handwritten card
Being recognized for my accomplishments publicly
Receiving a special gift
In the event that something needs improvement, are you open to me giving you constructive criticism out of a place of love?
Not Sure
Of the 3 options below, what are you? (You can select more than 1.)
Coachable: I am open to receiving mentorship and advice and I know that it will always come from a place of love.
Willing: I am willing to take action after receiving mentorship and advice. I know that my mentor can not take action for me but he/she can meet me half way by pointing me in the right direction.
Hungry: I am hungry enough for results or change in my life that I will do whatever it takes to get them.
What drives you? CHOOSE 2.
Making an impact
Serving others
Personal growth
Having fun
If you receive the necessary mentoring, would you be open to team building?
You can reach me on my cell at 606.694.3133. I don’t utilize Facebook or Instagram for team communication. My business hours for team communication are 9:00am EST to 9:00pm EST Monday - Friday. I ask that you give me up to 6 hours to respond if within that window. I do not respond to team communication on Saturday and Sunday. I always put my family and mental health before my work. This is extremely important to me and I will coach you to do the same. **These hours will vary if I am traveling.** Do you agree?
Please Select
Should be Empty: