Remarks: A computerized system for maintaining Rest Hours record is recommended but not mandatory.
Note: There is some confusion at times among senior officers regarding the RH criteria. MLC 2006 and STCW 2010 (Manila amendments) has different criteria of Rest hours.
MLC provides for Max work hours per day(14)/per week(72) OR min rest hours per day(10)/per week(77). STCW has only Min rest hours per day(10)/per week(77).
The ship must specify in their rest hour program, which convention is being followed. Senior officers must understand this difference. In all cases, however, rest hours must not be broken into more than 2 periods, one of them being min 6 hours, and interval between them not to exceed 14 hours. The terms 'day' and 'week' here is meant to be a cyclic 24 hours, or cyclic 7 days and not based on calendar.