Do you find tension exciting, or is it more uncomfortable?
Tension is exciting
Tension is uncomfortable
Tension is exciting. Yes! Okay, so weird question: how do you feel about secrets? (I know you SHOULDN'T keep secrets, but just go with me here)
Secrets are kind of exciting
Secret secrets are no fun
So tension is uncomfortable for you. Well, let's talk escapism. Do you normally have daydreams about a world like ours, or a world very different from ours?
A world like ours
A world very different from ours
You find secrets exciting. Well, that sounds dangerous. And when it comes to it more interesting if it comes from the people around us, or from the world?
More interesting if danger comes from the people around us
More interesting if danger comes from the world
Not a big secret fan, huh? Sounds like you're a pretty honest person. But are you more of a lover, or a fighter?
You daydream about a world like ours. Nice. Okay, now weird question: Is it one of your biggest dreams that someday a letter will arrive, inviting you to a magical school?
You dream about a world different from ours. Nice. Okay, another weird question: do you prefer when 1) your grandparents tell you stories from their lives, or 2) your grandparents talk about the news?
Grandparents tell stories about their lives
Grandparents talk about the news
You're a fighter. Nice. Do you most often fight...
People Your Own Age
So you're not waiting for that Hogwarts letter. That's okay. But I hope you still like the IDEA of magic...speaking of which, what's more interesting to you?
A magical person
A magical world
Should be Empty: