Dear {yourName},
The La Crosse County Health Department is currently providing guidance to community members relating to risk associated with exposure to Coronavirus (COVID-19).
Health Department staff are diligently working to make sure that our community is safe from COVID-19. Currently, we are completing contact investigations on positive cases. Because you are receiving this letter, we have asked you to quarantine because you have been identified as a household or close contact of someone who is confirmed with COVID-19.
La Crosse County Health Department has received requests for documentation from employees who are being asked to self-quarantine in their homes due to risk from exposure to a positive COVID-19 case. Your 14-day quarantine period starts/started on {DateOfExposure} and goes through the end of the day on {14DaysPost}. A full 14 day quarantine is the best way to reduce risk of further spread in the workplace and community. If needed, however, and if all criteria listed below can be met, you may be able to shorten quarantine to 7 or 10 completed days.
A shortened quarantine is only possible if ALL of the following criteria can be met:
- you will be able to stay 6 feet away from others at all times
- you are able and willing to wear a properly fitting face mask at all times
- there is good ventilation in your work space and youc an avoid crowding/congregating of people
- you do not develop any symptoms
If you can meet these criteria, you may return to work:
- On {8DaysPost} after 7 days of completed quarantine, only if you get a negative test on day 6 or later, or
- On {11DaysPost} without a test if you have still developed no symptoms and can abide by all conditions described above.
If at any time you develop symptoms, you should immediately go home and isolate, and seek out testing.
We thank you for your cooperation with this quarantine. Let us know if you have questions about your COVID-19 exposure. To help employees, managers and supervisors, and your worksite maintain the best capacity in this emergency situation, we would suggest that you consult with your employer regarding any capacity they may have to faciliate remote work during your quarantine period.
For up-to-date information please visit our website
La Crosse County Health Department
NOTE: This letter may NOT be used by students in daycare, K-12 schools or summer schools. Students needing a quarantine letter must get a different letter directly from their investigator.