I, First Name Last Name, acknowledge and hereby declare that I have been recommended an allergy immunotherapy treatment. In giving this consent, understand and acknowledge the following:
Consent to Use Medical Data
I give my consent to use my medical information for research and education I give my consent for my photos to be taken I give my consent for my photos to be disclosed for purposes of research and education
Acknowledgement of Patient
By signing this form, I declare that I have read the information above or the information above has been read to me. I acknowledge that I have understood the same. I have had the opportunity to ask questions and all by which were answered to me to my satisfaction.I hereby authorize the Clinic to administer treatment and I agree to release, waive, and hold harmless the Clinic from any claims, suit, or damages resulting in any complication which might arise in the course of, or after treatment, which may be a result from the said treatment.Signature of Patient: Signature Date Signed: Date If Patient is incapable of giving consent by reason of age or mental capacity:Name of Parent/Guardian: First Name Last Name Signature of Parent/Guardian: Signature Date Signed: Date signed