Please check if your horse has had any of these in the last three months. If the horse has had none, select "Never"
For Non steroidal anti-inflammatory such as bute, banamine, equiox, aspirin, etc.
For Antihistamine such as AniHist, Hist-EQ powder, HistaGranulates, HistAll, Tri-Hist Granulates, etc
For Muscle Relaxant such as Robax, methacarbamol, etc
For Antibiotics such as trimethoprim-sulfa, penicilin, gentamicin, naxcle, excel, etc
For Steroid such as depo medrol, dexamethasone, prednisolone, clenbuterol, etc
For Hormone Therapy such as testosterone, estrogen, etc
For Anti-ulcer GI Protectant Gel or Paste such as gastrogard, omprezaole, etc