Return To Church Survey
Name (Optional)
First Name
Last Name
Which one describes your attitude toward returning to worship service at church:
I will return the first opportunity I have.
I will return at the first opportunity but with some concerns and precautions.
I will wait several additional weeks before I attend.
It may be quite a while before I return.
Not sure.
Which one do you think would be the best signal for you to open in-person worship at the church?
Local businesses are open.
Local restaurant seating areas are open.
Schools are open.
The number of COVID-19 cases in our community is low.
Social distancing and stay home guidelines have been lifted.
Testings is widely available and utilized.
An effective vaccine is widely available.
Not sure.
Would you wear a protective face mask, if local guidelines require it?
I am ready to attend in a mask.
I would rather worship "mask free" at home.
Not sure.
Question Title
Would you be willing to attend a worship service at a different time than you typically attend to allow people to spread out more?
Not Sure
Would you be interested to meet outside instead of in the church?
Not Sure
What type of precaution are priorities for worship gatherings?
Limit passing or touching things (Lord's supper elements, offering plate, handouts...).
Encourage social distancing - spread out the seating.
Address foot traffic (prop doors open, one way flow entering and exiting).
Provide hand sanitizer stations.
Limit the gathering size, even if more services are required.
Do you expect the church to offer children’s and student ministries?
Yes, as soon as we return.
Maybe, if the church can establish good precautions.
No, have them participate in the main worship service for now.
Not sure.
Which of the following would you prefer for the church?
Resume in person worship services at our church immediately.
Meet in smaller groups or size limited gatherings for a few more weeks before resuming in person worship services.
Keep all activities online-only to see what happens with the virus.
Question Title
Your Age
Younger than 18
Are you a member of this church?
Should be Empty: