Evangelism Survey
What is your gender?
What is your age?
18 to 24
25 to 34
35 to 44
45 to 54
55 to 64
65 to 74
75 +
What is your marital status?
Number of Children Living at Home:
How long have you been attending local church?
less than 3 years
3 to 8 years
more than 8 years
How long does it take to get from home to church?
5 minutes or less
6 - 10 min.
11 - 15 min.
16 - 20 min.
more than 20 min.
How important is it for members to highlight the importance of inviting others to visit your church from the pulpit?
Highest priority
High priority
Moderate priority
Low priority
No priority
How important is it to invite members to personally testify to others about their beliefs?
Highest priority
High priority
Moderate priority
Low priority
No priority
How important is use news paper, radio or television advertisements?
Highest priority
High priority
Moderate priority
Low priority
No priority
How important is it to develop church programs that specifically target the non-church of the congregation?
Highest priority
High priority
Moderate priority
Low priority
No priority
Does the Bible explicitly teach that the church should increase in number?
Highest priority
High priority
Moderate priority
Low priority
No priority
Should be Empty: