Warm greetings, dearest alumnus/alumna!
Thank you for taking the time to answer this survey which will be instrumental for my undergraduate thesis.
I am JC Cadiz, a graduating student from UP Diliman under the Bachelor of Sports Science program. In collaboration with the Varsity Sports Office, I am studying Dual Careers, or careers that simultaneously balance sports, and studies of former UP student-athletes for my thesis (Stambulova, 2013).
I aim to investigate the outcomes of former student-athletes' careers through this survey and determine how many former athletes have further pursued a career involved in coaching and mentorship. This survey will take 5-7 minutes to complete. The information from this survey will also be used by the UP Varsity Sports Office to mobilize its alumni for programs and improvements of the UP Varsity Sports Program.
(Submitting before December 23rd, 11:59PM will also enter you into our Starbucks gift certificate raffle for respondents)
Depending on the results of this survey, you may be invited to a one-on-one interview regarding your perspective and experiences.
Your identity will only be known to the researcher and the administrators of the UP Varsity Sports Program. All of your data on this form will be kept strictly confidential to ensure your privacy.
You may withdraw from participating in this study at any point.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me through Facebook, Email, or SMS.
Facebook: JC Cadiz fb.com/joaquinjaimecadiz
Email: jfcadiz@up.edu.ph
SMS: 0917 848 0284